


Our services are offered upon request and rates vary! So request your quote below and we will get ya taken care of!


social media 

 — Social media can feel confusing and at times like a full time job. Let us create a social media strategy for you or offer packages to assist with posting content. Or show you can schedule a training session to learn more about how to use it better.

professional emcee services

 — Have a professional emcee assist you with your next event. We are welcoming, professional, humourous, help keep your event on-time and allow you to have one less thing to worry about.

rodeo and special event announcer

 — Do you need a professional and carded announcer for your rodeo? Mike Labelle has over 10 years experience and a number of rodeos under his belt buckle. Message us for more information.

media kit

 — Would you like us to guest blog or podcast with ya? Or maybe you'd like to sponsor us and have us chat with our friends about your product or brand? We are now offering our brand to collaborate with yours to help make your content interesting and take it to the limelight.


voice-overs and Production

 — Choose from a male or female voice (or both) Whether you need voicing for radio, television, presentations, video, or whatever else we can provide this for you.

Rodeo Music Director

— Does your rodeo or event require music? We provide rodeo music/production. We also provide music and/our sound systems for specialized events. Message us for more details.

Writing services

— Need help writing fresh and inviting content for your website? Maybe you could use some support crafting blogs, media releases or social media posts. We love writing and helping others with it. Don’t feel like you have to tackle it alone.

Media coaching

— Diving into the world of the media can seem overwhelming, especially if you’ve never done it before. We can help you create key messages for you to share with the media, practice media interviews, send media releases and more. A support team awaits you.